Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why Wat Bo Primary School?

One of the buildings of Wat Bo Primary School
Below is an excerpt from a piece I wrote seeking grant funding. Later, I discovered I was too old to qualify as a grant writer for this particular grant. Oh well, I do like how it answers the question I am posed quite often.


We selected Wat Bo specifically because it facilitates success. It is an urban school, and as such both teachers and children are more technologically aware. With 600 sponsored children, Wat Bo has the largest concentration of (poverty level) students assisted by the PLF. Furthermore, the school has an advanced curriculum that is celebrated as one of Cambodia's most progressive and, basic as it might seem, Wat Bo has access to Internet, telephone, and electricity. Additionally, there is a far greater opportunity for Wat Bo's graduates to apply what they learn in favorable jobs in the booming tourism industry.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I’d like to know how I can send school supplies. I’m a primary teacher in United States and visited Wat Bo last month.