Monday, June 30, 2008

Good things come to those who...persist

Waking up at 4 a.m. to catch sunrise for the last seven days straight has paid off. Well, almost seven stright days. My driver overslept once and so did I, so I missed two chances. On day 7, the very last day of my temple pass, I was fortunate to have a fantastic sky behind Angkor Wat. How is that for a nail-biting finale?

On this fateful day, there was a massive thunderstorm brewing to the southeast, which is why the right side of the sky is dark but it dissipated as sunrise progressed. Sadly, although there was lightening in the thunderhead cloud, none of it happened near the front of the storm. If I had arrived about 15 minutes earlier, I would have caught some of the lightning in the cloud behind Angkor Wat, but the park does not open until 5 a.m., so I am not sure it would have been possible to get there in time. Oh, well, it is a neat sunrise shot. I am content with it.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Magnificent pictures!

Now you can get some much needed sleep! LOL! :)


Tom said...

Yes. Today I slept until 6, and it felt great.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom, great pictures! It looks very tropical down there.


Anonymous said...

This is just amazing, you are so fortunate to experience such marvel. How is the cuisine, spring rolls, any chance in getting recipes. I know of some really good groceries here in Virginia, I'll cook you up some when you return. have a great time we'll see you soon.
Uncle John

Tom said...

Hey Chris and Uncle John! Yes, it is VERY tropical here. Great idea about the recipes, John, I will try to get some. The food here is awesome, now that I have had a chance to try lots of different Khmer foods, I can say they are top-notch!

Ragnar Danneskojld said...

Great pictures of Angkor Wat. A lot better atmosphere it looks than when we were there in January.
